Volunteer Training HeartWork Photography Outings
HeartWork Photography Outings Volunteers
Friday, January 24th 10am - 1pm
Volunteer Registration Request
Please click on the button above and fill in our Contact Form using the Subject of “Volunteer Training”. We will email you further instructions. THANK YOU!
This Volunteer Training is for people of all Abilities who want to assist in HeartWork Photography Outings.
This training will help you learn about nature and general photography principles, accessibility, the disability movement, disability etiquette, and Leave No Trace practices.
We are excited to provide this first formal volunteer training with the help of Tony Sauer, past executive director of FREED CIL, and the California Department of Rehabilitation; and David Wong, local award-winning fine art and location workshop photographer.
HeartWork provides local, California-wide, and National Park photography outings to people with disabilities, veterans, those affected by wild fires, people recovering from illnesses and others. We have had requests from new and existing volunteers for help to improve their photography and teaching skills, and for more awareness of the accessibility needs of our participants.