Volunteer Training Registration
Thank you for volunteering for HeartWork Photography outings!
Your help and compassion make it possible to give close to one-to-one attention for our photography students who have accessibility or other needs and who benefit from getting out into nature.
This registration form is similar to those our participants complete when registering for photography outings. HeartWork’s philosophy is to make our outings and our volunteer opportunities accessible to all, but you do not need to have a disability or other hardship to volunteer. By letting us know of your challenges and accommodation requests, we can tailor your volunteer experience so that it is enjoyable and successful for everyone.
Blessings to you, Jeree’ and Rick Waller
This information is confidential ,and used by, HeartWork Photography only, It is not to be used in any releases or publicity, nor shared with anyone who is not a direct trained volunteer of HeartWork.
Volunteer Training Group size is limited to 10, as individual attention will be provided to help teach you fundamentals of Photography, Accessibility for all in nature, and Disability terminology and etiquette.
Please read our “Outings Risk, Waiver & Release” terms prior to completing the Volunteer Training Registration below and you must accept it to complete registration.