Volunteer Training - Wolf Creek Trail
Volunteer Photography Training
Wolf Creek Trail / Northstar Mining Museum
A morning of On-Sight Photography Training in fundamental and intermediate photography principals:
Depth of Field
Shutter Speeds
FREED CIL Traumatic Brain Injury Group Outing
FREED TBI Classroom and Outdoor photography instruction
Center for Independent Living
This Photography outing was held at the FREED Center For Independent Living office in Grass Valley California to familiarize the Traumatic Brain Injury group with photography terms and techniques. We discussed Composition & Lighting while demonstrating how to set their cameras, smartphones, and tablets to achieve the best results. We provided some assistive equipment to mount their cameras to wheelchairs.
Navajo YES
Month: February 2020
Empowering our youth with an active life style
HeartWork Photography is proud to support the Youth Trails Initiative of Navajo YES.
NavajoYES believes that trails are a major element of the wellness revolution and we strive to promote trails in communities and tribal parks around the Navajo Nation. Trails are a key element in the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, community wellness, ecotourism and family togetherness.