Every Child Matters / Orange Shirt Day - Native American Children Boarding Schools September 30

Every Child Matters / Orange Shirt Day - Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024

Haskell Boarding School

Saturday, Sept 28, 2024 4:00pm thru 7:00pm PST

Peaceful & Informative Gathering
Nevada City Rancheria Nisenan Tribe

Outdoors at Sierra Pines United Methodist Church
22559 West Hacienda Drive, Grass Valley CA

A time of education, reflection, healing, and sharing about the Indian Boarding School History in the United States and graves of many Native Children. Please join us and bring your whole family.

Shelly Covert, Spokesperson for the Nisenan Tribe, will sing in her Native language and answer questions about U.S. Indian Boarding Schools and slavery of Native American children. Her older relatives and many others in her tribe were forced to attend residential government schools at a young age, where they were mistreated and stripped of their identity.  Her great-uncle was sent all the way to Kansas where he died at Haskell Boarding School, without a reason and his remains were never returned.